Bible testifies the christ Ahnsahnghong, Our god.
Why do people study and check the bible?
It is the reason that the bible testifies about the savior who will redeem mankind.
Then who is the savior the bible testifies about?
Jn 5:39 These are the scriptures that testify about me..
Who is me? He is Jesus.
In John 5:39, we can see that the apostles and prophets testified Jesus with the bible.
Now let's find our whether or not they used the bible in testifying Jesus.
Lk 24:27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself.
Jesus testified himself with the bible.
Ac 17:2-3 on three sabbath days he reasoned with them from the scriptures, explaining and proving that the christ had to suffer and rise from the dead. " This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the christ"
Apostle Paul also proclamed Jesus must be the christ with the bible.
Nevertheless, as Jesus'first coming, why didn't the religious leaders recognize Jesus but crucified him?
There are two reasons.
One is that they didn't believe the bible, and the other is that they didn't know God.
Jn 5:47-47 " If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?"
Moses wrote the five books of the bible: Genesis, Exodus, Levitics, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Moses worte the bible and testified the Jesus Christ in the bible.
However they didn't believe the bible, they didn't believe Jesus and didn't believe what he said, either.
Even today, many religious leaders do not believe Christ Ahnsahnghong and what he said.
Why? It's because they do not believe the bible.
At Jesus' first coming, the religious leaders didn't recognize Jesus whom the bible testified about.
It was because they neither believed the bible and nor knew God.
Likewise, in these last days, the world does not recognize christ ahnsahnghong whom the bible testifies about.
It's because they do not believe the bible and do not know God.
In this age, however, those who believe the bible will recognize that all the 66 books oa the bible testify about christ Ahnsahnghong.
Let' believe christ Ahnsahnghong our savior whom the bible prophesies and testifies about.
Then we will have eternal life and be saved.
the identification like the picture in social card or citizen card. Likewise, the bible is only way to recognize who the God is. The bible testify that the second coming Jesus would come to earth and he would save us.
ReplyDeleteChrist ahnsahnghong who accomplish all prophecy in the bible is the savior, our God
Passport.. to kingdom of heaven...
ReplyDeleteAlway christian say that belif is only way to enter there.
But i don't think so. No only belif, but also action which the god tell us.
That is the commandments in the bible..
If you want to be in heaven, you would keep the commandments.
If you understand the bible, we can find easily who is the savior.
ReplyDeleteWe have to know Bible it is the only way to find the christ.