Only the children of Zion in the whole universe have the blood of the new covenant.
So, no matter how cleverly false prophets and false Christians may disguise themselves in sheep's clothing,
God can easily distinguish who they are.
So, no matter how cleverly false prophets and false Christians may disguise themselves in sheep's clothing,
God can easily distinguish who they are.
Many people beg God earnestly, saying, "Lord, Lord ! We've fervently believed in You.
So, please let us into heaven," but God does not acknowledge them as his heirs.
GOd's children have in themselves the blood of God, the commandments of God, the faith in Jesus' new name - the name of the Savior whom the Bible testifies about, and the faith in Mother the new Jerusalem.
However, they do not have all these things, That is why God tells them
, "I never knew you. Away from Me"(Mt7:21~23)
So, please let us into heaven," but God does not acknowledge them as his heirs.
GOd's children have in themselves the blood of God, the commandments of God, the faith in Jesus' new name - the name of the Savior whom the Bible testifies about, and the faith in Mother the new Jerusalem.
However, they do not have all these things, That is why God tells them
, "I never knew you. Away from Me"(Mt7:21~23)
To resemble God the Father Ahnsahnghng and God the Mother is the goal for heaven.